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Old 08-13-2020, 01:28 PM   #14
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Re: New 2 ME 14 Sierra SWB 5.3-6spd Hope I didn't blow it...

Originally Posted by jjzepplin View Post
So from what I have read, this one has AFM/DOD. I have no indicators on the 3.5" minimal panel that tells me if it's active or not. I think I should get it tuned out asap. Thoughts?
On my V6 on flat level roads it gives me a roughly 1 mpg advantage at 65mph. At 75 it is practically the same mpg again. Also slower at 55 seems to make no difference due to lack of power unless I draft a semi. Then it seems to do very well. Although my patience level is typically not good enough for 55mph.

If I drive from Temecula to Temple City "not Temple City to Temecula" when I visit family. Most of the freeway seems to be down hill for some reason. It does alot better.

But if you put load exhaust under your truck you will want it gone. As the V4 flutter is pretty bad. I have a V6 so I am leaving the stock exhaust since it sounds worse modified.

So depending on goals would be the determining factor on tuning the afm out combined with how you drive. So if you cruise the highways it can help, but if your in a hurry it likely does nothing.
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