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Old 11-21-2020, 09:43 AM   #22
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Fruita, co
Posts: 243
Re: please explain power steering components

Thank you and yes I'm sorry I am not trying to get ahead of myself but rather trying to understand the next step and the possible parts and money needed. Plus my truck is my happy place so I Iike learning about stuff. I couldn't find many photos of steering installed so was trying to understand and picture how it all works. I do have to admit I am excited.for steering since my truck gets drug in and out of my dad's shop and around a corner so steering will make our lives much easier. Plus I cant remember if it was mr48chevy or ogre but how am i supposed to take my sunday drive um tractor pull without steering haha ��

I think I understand where I am headed so thank you. I might have more once I get to the really doing it phase. But last few questions.....any photos of steering installed?
Is this the heim part you meant? Photo attached....
And what do you do for the floor for a mount? I see everything from an more basic plate like similar to original to clamps to ones with fancy moving internals......just curious of thoughts.

Thanks again. Couldnt do this as easily or happily without everyone's help. See my other attached photo �� need someone to make me one. So glad I have this forum!!
My dad has a good understanding of vehicles but not everything pertained to some of these modifications we are doing and we have a mechanic friend helping but I like to not be totally illiterate to what's happening and I take pride in doing as much as I can along the way. This truck has my blood,.sweat and tears in it haha
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