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Old 03-19-2021, 02:31 PM   #389
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HP Tuners Tutorials - Part IX - Enable Power Enrichment aka Accelerator Pump

Part IX - Enable Power Enrichment aka Accelerator Pump / Secondaries

Well, it's been a while, might as well get back into it. I honestly don't recall where we left off so forgive any overlap as we dust off the cobwebs together.

Let's free up some oomph in our trucks. For those of you who have have tuned with a screw driver before ie tinkered with a carburetor (pronounced: "a controlled fuel leak") you are probably familiar with an accelerator pump and those of you who know what a Double Pumper is get double bragging rights! ha ha

basically when you are just cruising along and you step on the gas pedal, it takes a while for the system to react, since air travels faster than fluid, the gasoline needs a little extra kick in the pants so that we don't lean out and have to fix things with our wallet.

So in the carb world this rubber diaphragm spring plunger thingie would literally spray extra fuel into the throat of the carb like a Windex squirt bottle.

Now in the HP Tuner world with EFI the similar system is called Power Enrichment and it just so happens that it is crippled on most if not all truck/SUV Third Gen LSes.

Coming up next we will take a closer look how our engines / PCMs come configured from the General, and how we can "fix" that and get that feel by the seat of our pants acceleration.
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