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Old 10-05-2022, 10:45 AM   #3267
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Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by 4u2nv View Post
I would have that guy build something for me any day , it handled that ride very well , down and back up
Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I was thinking about you when Fiona was heading your way. I wondered how you made out. Our news dropped that story as soon as she passed to the north. A thing I dislike about news coverage. They report the hardship of those affected on the storm's way here and once it's passed, "Oh, they'll be alright up there". Time to start another story.

That's great your greenhouse survived so well and that was the worst of it
Originally Posted by special-K View Post
This was a historic storm for you, as far as tropical storms go. I wouldn't hurry about bolting that down. You probably have a good 100 years before the next one
Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
Yeah, that guy could build for me, too! Good that you came out OK.
yes,we made out pretty good.the man who built the greenhouse is the same guy who built my new shop 2 years ago,then came back to build a garden shed for mowers and stuff,then again this past spring for the new greenhouse.he does great work,fast and evidently strong?
Fiona was going to,according to the predictions,hit very close to us but changed course heading more to the east.that was good for us but folks to the east got hammered.there are power crews working here from all over New England,Quebec,New Brunswick,Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island,still folks without power,10 days now.Port Aux Basques,Newfoundland got it worst than anybody i think.there were homes near the ocean washed away,it looks like Florida,i don't know how people recover but they do?i think there was 1 lady killed there when her house collapsed and it along with her,washed out to wife came home from work the other night,the same night we got power back,with a load of coffee for crews from New England and Quebec working a few miles from here where they're were a number of power poles down,wires laying on the road,and a million trees down but they were gone and as she got home,the power came back on.great work.we got hammered with Hurrican Juan about 18 or 20 years ago,it came ashore in Halifax,when we lived dad was down at the his boat club worrying about his boat and was staying all night to make sure it stayed afloat and tied up.the storm surge came in,covered every car in the parking lot with salt water and water right about to the main building at the boat club,probably 200 feet from the landed at a place called Point Pleasant Park at the mouth of Halifax Harbour.the park was a gift to the people of Nova Scotia a couple hundred years ago from Queen Victoria.70,000 trees were looked like a bomb went off.they say it'll take a 100 years for the park to recover.i will go tie this greenhouse down as soon as we get back from Ohio,just incase it's not a 100 years til the next one.take care all.Greg
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