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Old 03-17-2023, 08:38 PM   #193
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Re: HG's Dream Car Build - Shelby Cobra Kit

Mocking up the speakers, I'm planning on making a rectangular grill to cover them. Some of the switches and buttons were delivered. I think I have it figured out in my head where I'm putting them. Blinker switch left of the column, horn to the right. I want to find someone that has a planer I can use to thin and flatten the board a bit. Then I can back cut it for the switches, etc.

I sat in the passenger seat for the first time. The footwell is narrow in the front, kinda have to angle your legs outboard. The dash is not that far away either. Feels a little close but nothing can be done about it. The steering wheel is closer than I would like also but oh well. The seat is as far back as I can get it.

I talked to the Ford performance tech line and he said I shouldn't have to use the speed dial or equivalent for the ecu. So I might be able to return the thing I got from Dakota digital for that.

It's coming together though and I'm liking it.
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