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Old 05-04-2023, 09:22 AM   #2
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Re: Air bags only on the front

I'm guessing your intended use of these airbags would be to raise the front up enough to get into the driveway, or anywhere else you may need an extra inch or two of clearance? It's a valid idea I'd say. I know I've seen plenty of trucks with rear helper bags for when they are loaded up, to bring them back to their normal ride height. So I don't see why you couldn't do the same for the front. However, if you are going through the trouble of adding bags to the front, rear bags are easy and then you have a fully bagged truck! As for running just a pump, my dad's truck is like that and it is slooooow to fill those bags. I'm envisioning you getting to your parent's house, then sitting outside in the street for a few minutes before your bags fill up and you can pull in!
Builds: Green Gus the 68 C10 ; Sullii the 72 1500
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