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Old 11-08-2023, 11:54 AM   #852
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Re: 1957 Chevy truck re-rebuild

I have a love/hate relationship with zip ties. they have their place and I love them for that, but, as a mechanic I can't tell you how many times I have sliced a hand or a forearm on a zip tie that has the tag end cut off but not totally cut off. leaving that nice rasor sharp bit sticking out right where your hand or forearm needs to slide past.
when wiring they can be great as a temporary loose loop to string wires through as you add circuits and build a harness. I use the zip ties with the added screw hole so it can be secured with a screw or a magnet to a spot where a harness clamp will be placed when done. the loop is left large so it will hold the harness in place but allow the wires to slip as required. then, when the circuits are done, the zip ties can be tightened up to hold the harness in a shape to fit the contours of where it is going to be secured, the screw or whatever is removed and the harness is taken out of the area and can be either taped or placed in a loom of your choice. as the tape or loom shielding comes to the spot where a cable tie is located that spot can be either taped help hold the shape or simply strung into the loom after the zip tie is removed.
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