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Old 12-24-2023, 03:09 PM   #88
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Re: Eliminate draft tube options

I have a 3/4 poly or nylon rope I keep for lifting engines without lifting points, outboards, truck beds and such. Even a single strand is plenty strong enough for a 600 pound engine. By the time you have gone under the crank pully, between engine and trans/flywheel for 4 lifting strands you have a large safety factor. The stuff I have is from a marine place, more durable than the typical hardware store yellow poly. You could use lighter rope, just use more. Pad any sharp corners with rags. Use lighter rope around the head horizontally to secure the lift ropes fore and aft, you could also tie off to the manifold bolts. Find the balance point and mouse the hook (tie ropes securely to each other just under hook). for a tall narrow six I'd also tie the ropes together just above the head so the engine could not roll over in the rope sling. you should end up with a secure web of rope that is not going anywhere

lifting with rope vs chain: chain is harder to inspect for flaws and more prone to sudden failure. Rope is subject to fraying at sharp corners under strain

Lifting with chain and prepared lift points you can use an engine leveler. dsraven's idea of using a farm jack beam as lift beam could also be used with ropes tying it to engine
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