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Old 04-01-2024, 07:25 AM   #1
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fuel and carb question

I drove the blazer for four plus years with zero mechanical issues. I pulled it a part (body panels only) and painted it inside and out. From there I can't get to the store and back. I am thinking it is because I got a great deal on a Tangier Orange paint that is actually a Ford paint and from there the God's have frowned down upon me.

If the Blazer sits for a couple weeks the bowl is "dry" and the Blazer will not start. I can add fuel to the bowl and it fires right up and will refire everyday as long as it does not sit.

Secondly, yesterday as I am driving at 55-60 after several minutes it feels like it is running out of gas. I can let off the throttle and let the carburetor/fuel 'catch up' and then go back to driving.

It will sit and idle til the cows come home.

I pulled the carburetor off and checked both floats. I replaced the filter. I even replaced the fuel pump. I do not see any evidence of leaks in the line (sucking air/unless it is on top of the tank).

Any thoughts? Ideas? Strip the Ford paint as an offering to the GM Gods?

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