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Old 05-16-2024, 02:37 PM   #9
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Re: Cold Case Radiator Trouble x 3

I recently went through either repairing or replacing my radiator. Initially I considered purchasing aluminum replacement, but just by chance I noticed a shop had recently opened up, so I took my old one to get a quote. In the end they re-cored it for about $450 (still having issues with the cost of things these days, but I won't get into the rediculous reasons why). It is a 4 row out of a big block c20 with air, and is a large heavy radiator. It did fit a bit tight but ultimately I was able to work it in and it works and cools like it should, and no leaks. And, I am confident they would make it right if not, but they pressure test and paint prior to calling me to pick up. Hopefully the last time I ever have to pull that radiator.
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