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Old 09-26-2013, 11:58 PM   #100
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Re: HG's thread of miscelaneous stuff

A couple weeks ago I made the same exact road that I did today and before I left this morning I debated bringing the camera along and didn't. So todays pics are with my low res blackberry.

My first stop was 140 miles away in Garner, IA. Last time I drove past this cool t-bird parked in someones front yard. I didn't take a pic then, but since it was still there today I did. Really in great shape. Baby blue with what looked like a turquoise interior.

Then I went to Mason City briefly, and back on the road towards home. I had a couple places in Albert Lea I had to check on though. I parked next to this old Ford at my 1st stop there. I think the owner was in the cafe next to my stop.

I liked the effort that went into this VFW building front. My dad was a member. I don't know if my time served during the first gulf war qualifies me because I was no where near the middle east. Just poking holes through the water on the sub. In any case, here's a salute to you guys that did go into harms way.

Other than the drive home, my work was done for the day and my favorite junkyard is along the way, and my tool bag was in the back seat, so that's where I headed. I get off I-35 in Ellendale and my wandering eye barely spotted this but it was enough of a glance to get me to drive around the block for a closer look.

One more pic from the junkyard. This, my friends, is what you call a grill. That should be grafted onto a beetle or something. (not)
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