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Old 05-27-2018, 07:14 AM   #24
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Re: Failure To Launch

I don't understand why parents do this to their children. It's almost a form of child abuse. We have to trust that our children are smarter than we give them credit for. Sure there are special cases etc, but why not let them at least try to become self sufficient. They may lose the battle a few times but eventually win the war. My brothers kid is 20 almost 21. He lives at home and walks around in his undies. He is on felony probation for selling drugs and his mom does not even think of wanting him to leave. WTF? My daughters have come back from time to time here and there to stay for a week or two while traveling from state to state and going to different colleges and such but never would stay any longer as they have lives they need to get back to. I actually got a bigger house so they would have a place to sleep besides the couch. Even though I have room for them, they would never think to try to "live" with me as it would he humiliating for them. They want to make me proud and they have. I love my brother and it pains me so much to see this behavior that I cannot even visit his home. He comes to see me and complains about his situation as it is mostly his wife doing all this (her son from a previous marriage) but I tell him it is also his fault for putting up with it. CRAZY! I say shut off the cable and stop buying food and turn off the water heater and everything else until they figure out that they can do it better themselves. then congratulate them on the fine job they have done. We have to make our homes a place they would like to visit but not live.
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