Thread: POR-15 failure
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Old 09-20-2002, 08:07 PM   #7
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From what I've read, I'm guessing that you were using the semi gloss Por-15 for your chassis. First on the adhesion, how long did you wait between the first and second coats? The rule of thumb here is "when you can touch the por and you leave your finger print,but none comes off on your finger, then you're ready for your next coat". Any longer or quicker, you've got problems.
Second, As for the variation in color,again with the semi gloss por-15 this is a common problem. If you want a uniform semigloss finish you want to topcoat the por-15 with por's chassiscoat. (which is not sensitive to uv light like all of por's "undercoats".(black,semi,silver,grey).
Por-15 does adhere well to bare steel if you follow the instructions. Cleaning with Marine Clean, using Metal Ready to etch the metal. And NOT using any other sort of "non por-15" preparation products.
On the exhaust coatings, They were developed for Iron manifolds. If you applied them to headers, there is an "alternate method of curing the coating" You are trying to cure the por between 300 and 400 degrees and it is very difficult with headers as they heat up very quickly. So you need to run the motor for a few seconds and let the headers cool off then repeat for a few seconds longer, let them cool...etc etc until the collectors are only left to heat up to the 400 degrees... This is a time consuming, pain in the A$$, but its what you need to do if you're puting this coating on headers.
If this information is not the situation with your problem, or If you'd like to discuss any other problems, Reply here, or E-mail me at:
I'm really sorry about your mishap. If you havent done anything with your chassis yet, I'd be willing to work with you to get it to the point your trying to achieve with our product. Por-15 does have a money back guarantee on all their products, and being a authorized POR-15 distributor, I can help with your previous purchase with the company,( I will need some information). However if you purchase por again, I'd be willing to "go over the procedure" so that you will have great success with our product.

Should you have any other questions, E-mail me at, Thanks for your time.
'72 Cheyenne super, short-fleet, air-tilt-tach, fuel injected LT1, 700r4, 3.08 posi, 4WDB, step notched and bagged. "the one i wish i still had"
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