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Old 07-20-2018, 01:50 PM   #3
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Re: RIP to a local vintage car legend in the area.

Well first off, he had a mind blowing memory. You could talk in and ask for a tail light for a 1950 Studebaker and he would say "meet me over at my yard" which was a quarter mile from his store. You would hop in your car head over there and in he would come in his 55 Flatbed and walk you out into the yard and under a fender for a 59 Impala would be the tail light for the Stude you are looking for.

If you tried to bring down the price, it would go up, he did NOT sell anything for less than the price quoted. One I questioned the price and he opened up a binder he had and there in his hand writing was the price and he said "Nope, it says right there it's $50" LOL

He was a serious hoarder, he would have thrown the "American picker" guys out the door. He would go buy out a parts store and have a pile of boxes of gasket and bearings and stuff as big as a car sitting there. My brother and I use to joke "One day Don will die and they will find him among his hindges" Yes, the joke was he spelled hinges "Hindges."

He wore that top had everywhere, it use to have a oval Delco Remy tag off a distributor on the front held on with wire.

One time my brother and I were at the Oakland Roadster show (the GNRS) in 1995 when we showed his Roadster. Picture a NBA basketball arena with the best of the best cars down on the arena floor and 25k empty seats overhead. My brother and I were taking a rest sitting in one of those empty seats looking down onto the arena filled with near flawless show cars. In comes Don in filthy dirty, greasy clothes with that top had on. LOL

Yep, he was a character and a half for sure.

1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

"Fan of most anything that moves human beings"
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