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Old 04-23-2018, 10:19 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Waverly, NE
Posts: 334
Getting a radon mitigation system installed today

Probably long overdue, but we are getting a radon mitigation system installed today. We already have an interior drain tile system so they are going to tap into that to get the underground suction needed to keep the radon out. EPA says readings of 4 and above should be mitigated and a reading of 10 should be done like yesterday. We had a reading of a 6.5. Company guarantees they will get it under 4 and think they can get it down to 1.5 or lower more than likely.

Anyway, the tests are inexpensive, I suggest to everyone to at least test to see what you've got. The system install for us is just under $1100 so not horribly difficult to afford. I don't know about other states, but here in Nebraska you can't sell a house without a radon test and if it tests at a 4 or above a mitigation system is mandatory before a sale can take place. But then Nebraska is heavy on the radon.

We are having ours installed running through the attic so there won't be any large white pipes on the outside of the house, just one poking through the roof. I hope the fan noise isn't bothersome enough to keep us awake at night. The neighbors a few doors down have one on the side of their house and I can't hear the fan from the sidewalk so I'm assuming they don't make much noise.
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