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Old 02-27-2020, 04:01 PM   #144
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Re: 56 task force on 80 1/2 ton frame pictures

sorry, don't know what engine you have there, but, if it has flat tappet lifters/cam the break in will be different than a roller cam. also ensure you use a good quality oil for flat tappets or the cam will soon be flat. these cams rely on splash lubrication and I know a few guys who add extra oil to the engine so there is lots of splash going on at initial start up. not recommended for driving around like that though.flat tappet cams usually start and run up to about 1800 rpm for a few minutes, then up to about 2500 rpm for a bit. for roller cams it doesn't matter so much. don't let a new engine idle forever though because it may overheat. cars were made top be driven down the road so air could be blown through the rad. a new engine has a lot going on so it gets hot. some guys will use a fan in front of the car to assist with air flow when first starting a rebuilt engine. a few runs with varying load and some decelleration like down a hill with foot off the gas should break in the rings. an oil change soon after, or at least a filter change soon after. I never endorse firing an engine for the first time inside an attached garage. I have seen many fires start from first start ups and you can easily burn down the house, plus all the smells of fresh paint getting hot, new exhaust burning oils off etc etc usually brings the fun police to the garage right when you are in the middle of something that needs your full attention.
friend in attendance in case you need help or first aid (seen that too)
fire extinguisher ready
absorbent material ready just in case there is a leak
adequate ventilation
fuel system primed or at least all the fittings/clamps checked for tightness
oil system primed and manual gauge ijstalled so you know what the oil pressure is, not just a light
timing set within range for start up
coolant filled and pressure tested and an engine temp gauge that works
oil filled (obviously for the oil prime)
throttle check for full throttle and full idle with no sticky spots, comes back to idle by itself right away
exhaust connected
timing light ready
no exposed wiring around anything that can get hot and burn through a wire
all the bolts are tight for engine mounts, starter etc
crank it a few times without starting to ensure nothing got missed
start it up, check oil pressure, set timing
rev if required for cam break in procedure
run up to temp
some guys will dump the oil right then and allow to run out the drain plug overnight. if you do this put a note on the keys so you don't forget the next time you go out there. hot oil drains quicker than cold oil.
allow to cool overnight and then check fluids the next day. maybe even change the oil then.
drive it 500 miles and change the oil again. a lot of metal gets in the system due to break in.
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