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Gregski 10-05-2014 12:06 PM

Restoring Rusty
5 Attachment(s)
just wanted to share some progress pictures of my 74 GMC 1/2 ton affectionately named by my kids Rusty

the goal is a clean freshened up truck, easy on the eyes and with a bit of oomph under the hood, all on a family men's budget doing a bit at a time something each month if money and time permits

starting out with a nearly 100% stock

350 V8
4 barrel Quadrajet
4 speed manual on the floor
short bed
no factory AC (bonus, less means more)
power steering
disc brakes up front

lets start with some original as listed on Craigslist Pics

as this thread has become a monster I decided to add a TABLE OF CONTENTS pointing to the thread numbers instead of page numbers since you can alter the page numbers based on your forum settings/preferences, but a thread number is fixed, red means bad or product warning, green is cool stuff, enjoy

Air Cleaner - 260, 547, 1058, 1059, 1066
Air Cleaner (Aftermarket) - 3903
Alternator - 435
Alternator (Re Clocking) - 3533
Arm Rests (Aftermarket) - 637, 4461

Bed - 1865
Bedliner - 1949 (Heculiner)
Bell Housing - 809, 844
Bench Seat - 2263
Brake Master Cylinder - 944, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080
Brake Pedal - 735, 758
Bulkhead Connector - 1802

Cab (Exterior) - 2020
Carburetor - 16, 124
Charcoal Canister - 1681, 1684
Cluster Circuit Board - 1723, 1795
Clutch Fork - 832, 840, 841
Clutch Pedal - 737, 741, 759
Clutch Pedal Spring - 1773
Con Rod Bearings - 4125
Cross Member - 3326
Cylinder Heads (OEM, part # 33388) - 2886
Cylinder Heads, first pair (Vortec L31, 1999 Suburban) - 2203, 2900
First CYLINDER HEAD WORK (cracked Vortec L31 heads) - 2909, 2961, 2968, 2993
Cylinder Heads, second pair (Vortect L31, 1999 Suburban) - 3022
Second CYLINDER HEAD WORK (cracked Vortec L31 heads) - 3031, 3034, 3054, 3069
Cylinder Heads, third pair (Vortect L31, 1999 Suburban) - 3081, 3085
Third CYLINDER HEAD WORK (cracked Vortec L31 heads) - 3088, 3114, 3161, 3273

Dash Pad - 2219, 2281
Distributor - 290
Distributor Cap, CrossFire - 4299
Distributor GM - 4168
Distributor, Proform - 3955
*** DLG-1: Dual Lambda (Air/Fuel Ratio) Gauge - 4381 ***
Door Hinges - 4244
Door Panels - 492, 917, 918, 919, 928
Drive Shaft - 603, 2405, 3658

Engine Bay - 3938, 3970
ENGINE REBUILD - 2802, 3308
Exhaust FLOWMASTER - 3611
Exhausts (Compared) - 3612
Exhaust Magnaflow System - 4582
Exhaust Manifolds - 4152

Fender, Passenger - 1166, 1173, 1175, 1178, 1207, 1208, 1215
Fly Wheel - 684
Frame - 1952
Frame - 2036 (POR15 painting)
Front Coil Springs - 2136
Front End (Lowered) - 2175
Front Suspension (Lowering) - 2151
Fuel Cap - 2437
Fuel Filter - 1130
Fuel Gauge - 1858
Fuel Gauge (Digital) - 4570
Fuel Pump (GM) - 4081
Fuel Pump (Holley) - 4095
Fuel Sending Unit - 2433
Fuel Tank - 2369, 2432
Fuse Panel - 1800

Gauge Cluster - 1739
Glove Box - 5924
Grille - 3523

Headers - 3234, 4143
Headlights - 1384, 1385, 1387
Headlight Bezels - 3413
Headlight Buckets - 3424, 3465
Headlight Switch - 5240
Hood - 1190, 1193, 1194, 1203, 1231, 1275, 1290, 1299
Hood Braces - 1289
Hood Hinges - 1190, 1206, 11260, 1261
Hood Latch - 3467, 3955

Ignition Switch - 1311
Inner Fender - 1704 (3M Undercoating)
Intake Manifold - 1131

Kick Panels - 1041, 1042, 1044, 1061, 1062

Manual Steering Box - 4340
Manual Steering Box Rebuild - 4353
Me - 3132, 3646, 4590
Mirrors, Side - 2301, 2473
Mirrors, Side (Aftermarket, K Source) - 2339
Mirrors, Side (Aftermarket) - 2633
Mud Guards - 2126
Mufflers, DynoMax - 4197
Mufflers, FLOWMASTER 40s - 3570
Mufflers, Magnaflow - 4469

Oil Pan - 127
Oil Pressure Gauge - 1747, 1754
Oil Pressure Gauge (Digital) - 3898, 3933
Oil Pressure Sending Unit - 1749
Oil Pressure Sending Unit (Digital) - 3936

Parking Brake Handle - 1035
Pedal Pads - 1161, 1163, 1165
Power Steering Box - 1494
Power Steering Pump - 1447, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451

Radio - 1558, 1562
Radiator (Original) - 3606
Radiator (Aluminum) - 4983, 5326
Radiator "Rad Cool" first plastic one - 5333
Radiator Core Support - 2720, 3390
Rear Brake Cylinders - 1159
Rear Brake Drums - 1082, 1083, 1084, 1160
Rear Bumper - 2
Rear Suspension - 2136
Rear Suspension (Hangers) 2364
Rear Suspension (Lowering) - 2184
Rear Window (Slider) - 2202, 4222
Roll Pan - 4590. 4607

Seat - 44, 2263
Seat Belts - 67
Seat Belts (Aftermarket) - 2532
Sector Gear - 1320
Shifter Boot - 1162
Shifter Stick - 865
Shifter, HURST (Upgrade) - 3593
Shocks (Belltech) - 2633
Side Mirrors - 2301, 2473
Side Mirrors (Aftermarket, K Source) - 2339
Side Mirrors (Aftermarket) - 2633
Speedo Drive -
Speedo Gear - 4067
Speedometer - 2672
Speedometer (Intellitronix digital) - 5829
Speedometer Cable - 847, 946, 948, 950, 951, 952, 1013
Starter 207
Steering Box - 1494
Steering Column - 1310, 1338
Steering Wheel (Aftermarket, Grant) 2508, 2523
Suspension (Lowered) - 2362, 2441
Suspension Front (Lowering) - 2136
Suspension Rear (Lowering) - 2184
anti Swaybar - 4012

Tachometer - 102, 1709, 1851, 2694
Tachometer (Intellitronix digital) - 5829
Tailgate - 2, 1110, 1111
Taillights - 1404, 1416, 1419
Timing Advance Kit (Proform) - 4030
Tires (Good Year Wranglers) - 5246
Transmission - 760, 762, 763, 764
Transmission (A833) - 3481, 3496
Transmission Rear Seal - 3984
First TRANSMISSION SWAP (A833 OD 4 Spd) - 3502
Transmission Tunnel Cover - 2793
Turn Signal Switch - 1325, 1431, 1439, 1441

Universal Joints - 872

Vacuum Advance Kit (Crane Cams) - 4038
Visors - 568, 1716, 1719, 1838
Volt Meter Gauge (Digital) - 4407

Water Outlet - 430, 1140
Water Temp Gauge - 1803
Water Temp Gauge (Digital) - 3898, 3933
Weight - 2118
Window Seals - 904, 905, 906
Window Regulator - 2477

X Pipe Exhaust - 1659, 1693, 1696, 1736

Z bar, clutch - 716, 2800

(September 22, 2018, note to self: got to page 100 of indexing)

Gregski 10-05-2014 12:14 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Rear Bumper Removal
2 Attachment(s)
one of the first things that had to go was the ugly heavy duty (nothing wrong with) rear bumper. think of this, this way, Rusty was a long time hard working race winning thoroughbred, who has now earned the right to retire on the green pastures and enjoy the easy life (hardest gig he'll ever have is fetching a Christmas tree for us once a year, hee hee)

Umm yeah, I pretty much broke all four big bolts holding on that heavy beast to get it off, I didn't know I had it in me, that type of super human strength (what's that you can clearly see the cheater bar in the pictures, nah)

Gregski 10-05-2014 12:17 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Removing the Tailgate
1 Attachment(s)
if you suffer from being anal like I do, then you will clearly understand why a CHEVROLET tailgate does not belong on a GMC, lol

so it had to go too, man taking things off is so much fun, I once took a '68 Mustang completely apart, but heck that's a different thread all together (and yes it's out there on the InterWebs somewhere)

Gregski 10-05-2014 12:36 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Painted the Rocker Covers
5 Attachment(s)
why do we call em Valve Covers when the valves don't even live in there well their tails do but anyways, the manual calls em Rocker Covers

these had to be the crusties lids I have ever worked on / with, not too crazy about the gloss black finish but hey that's what I had, I may scuff em up and reshoot them with Semi Flat, we'll see

yeah I forgot to paint the filler cap ok, the devil's in the details, must have been a Monday Night Football night, LOL

no flippin idea why that one pic comes up upside down, guess you can just turn your head to see em, jk

Gregski 10-05-2014 12:59 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Painted The Wheel
5 Attachment(s)
if you look closely at the original pics you will notice that Rusty was a three legged dog, the front right wheel is a spare and does not match the other three Jackman style wagon wheels, so I found a close enough match (believe it or not the guy had THREE wheels for sale, LOL and I talked him into selling me one and using the other two for a trailer project - win / win)

started with a wire wheel to clean up the rust, then some sand paper to scuff it up, and had to use etching primer on this chrome wheel and decided to go with Semi Flat black, really like how it turned out, gonna paint one wheel each weekend and allow it a week to cure before lugging it back up to the truck

had the new tire mounted before painting so they won't scuff up the new paint job, the white garbage bags are taped around the brand new tire and NOT the old jacked up one, not sure why they make it look flat but it's fully inflated must be the camera angle, that's all

lemme know what you think? do you like the black better than the white?

cadillac_al 10-06-2014 07:02 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
I love seeing old original paint lime green survivor trucks. Now I'm kicking myself for not painting my truck that cool green. Enjoy the fun project.

Gregski 11-15-2014 03:35 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
3 Attachment(s)
more pics of the wheels after being painted black

why is this system uploading these pics upside down???

Gregski 11-15-2014 03:42 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
4 Attachment(s)
then it was on to the exhaust, I ordered the dual exhaust kit from LMC truck cause I wanted to mount my first exhaust system myself

the first pic is the entire old exhaust that's all that came with the truck, the previous owner cut the muffler off cause it had holes in it just before selling it to me

Gregski 11-15-2014 03:46 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
pipes stick out a bit so I cut them off about an inch shorter than the length of the bed with my trusty Harbor Freight 4 1/2 angle grinder cutter wheel

Gregski 11-15-2014 03:53 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
4 Attachment(s)
then it was time to match the front bumper to the wheels by painting it semi flat black, but first it needed a bit of trueing

allow me to show you my Bumper Streightening Facility

andrewmp6 11-15-2014 03:57 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
If you want to knock the surface rust off easy look in to clr.A few people have used clr with good luck.

Gregski 11-15-2014 03:59 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty

Originally Posted by andrewmp6 (Post 6918723)
If you want to knock the surface rust off easy look in to clr.A few people have used clr with good luck.

WOW, thanks I will have to give it a shot

andrewmp6 11-15-2014 04:05 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
How bad is the rust in the bottom of the fenders,Is it surface or deeper?

Gregski 11-15-2014 04:09 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty

Originally Posted by andrewmp6 (Post 6918728)
How bad is the rust in the bottom of the fenders,Is it surface or deeper?

unfortunately the passenger side fender is gone, it has holes above the wheel, in front of the wheel at the bottom, and in the back of the wheel at the bottom

Gregski 11-15-2014 04:16 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Busted Kncuckles
3 Attachment(s)
actually pretty happy with the way the bumper turned out, and the knuckles were a small price to pay

Gregski 11-15-2014 04:26 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Rebuilding the Carb
5 Attachment(s)
next up I show off my mechanical prowess as I rebuild the good ol' Quadrajet cause it's filthy and leaks gasoline like a sieve

Gregski 11-15-2014 04:30 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty - Pine Sol to the Rescue
3 Attachment(s)
well those of you that are awesome may have noticed the missing fuel filter spring and the missing gasket that goes on the fuel filter housing as it screws into the carb, now check out what I used to clean that bad boy

... what's that honey? Your hair dryer, nope, haven't seen it! LOL

andrewmp6 11-15-2014 05:25 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
I always used white vinegar,Never seen pine-sol before lol

73kay 11-15-2014 10:07 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty
This is a sweet write up, keep it coming.

Gregski 11-15-2014 11:57 AM

Re: Restoring Rusty

Originally Posted by 73kay (Post 6918817)
This is a sweet write up, keep it coming.

Finally, my first outta boy, LOL, I was wondering if I should even keep it going

Thank you, I am remotivated

Gregski 11-15-2014 12:10 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty - You Got Mail
2 Attachment(s)
What do we have here, a shinny brand new Weiand 8120 Action +Plus Aluminum Intake Manifold

Yup, ordered that off of eBay for $85 bucks and FREE shipping can't beat it, the seller is holleyperformance

This is in preparation for the Holley 0-80457SA 600CFM 4bbl Factory Refurbished ALUMINUM Carb with Electric Choke I am buying from them next month

... but, but, didn't you just rebuild the ol' Q-jet, well yes, but that rebuild kit was only $20 bucks and I always wanted to rebuilt a Quadrajet to see what it's all about, plus I sill need a carb till the new shiny bits show up

Sodak 11-15-2014 01:09 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty
Nice ..keep it going.. love your progress.

greg64 11-15-2014 02:05 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty
Looks good, Gregski, keep going.

flashed 11-15-2014 02:46 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty
I like Rusty .

shkj2004 11-15-2014 09:08 PM

Re: Restoring Rusty

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