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Old 07-17-2008, 01:01 PM   #37
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: warren michigan
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Re: Calling fbodywrench26, where are you and my parts! bad deal

Jkaylor, I am back, I sent you a pm explaining my whole situation but I will shed some light here. This fbodywrench26 and up until this last deal I had no problems. But I recently was arrested for assaulting my ex-wife new boyfriend because he spanked my 4 year old son after only knowing him for a little over 3 months. I could not sit back and let it slide. So unfortunately with your door waiting on my kitchen table packaged to be dropped off the following morning, I went and confronted him, and could not control myself after being verbally instigated. i was just released a few days ago and have gone back to work, so I will need a few days to refund you. As for the Jeep forum, my brother and I share a home and a pc. He has a Jeep, not me. But he tell me that he was banned from there and didnt know why. If we can work this out that would be great and possibly lift the bans off both boards. Let me know.

And Lyryks -- I didnt buy anything from you, I sold you some parts, maybe motor mounts or springs, I dont remember.
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