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Old 09-24-2009, 01:26 AM   #154
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Re: It’s Just A Pickup

Why is the build delayed again?
Unexpected things in life happen, time to put things in order and continue the build

Bizarre things happen some times in life, things in no way related to a build but have an impact on it. Earthquakes, fires, accidents, deaths in the family, more than could be listed hear and affect each individual differently.

Over a week ago at 7 AM as I was having my second cup of coffee and watching the news, a 19 year old young man broke and came thru the window next to the front door. He had a knife and informed me that god had told him that I needed to die. After I disarming him neither I or him were seriously hurt, just some cuts, scrapes and bruises. I’m thankful that the police where there within a very short period of time and the young man is in jail now and being evaluated. I new very little about this young man other than that he lived in the neighborhood.

This has been upsetting to me and the neighborhood, so a short period of time will be needed to bring things back to normal and cleanup/repair.

Why am I posting this incident hear in my build thread?

For those that are fallowing this build thread that there will be a short delay and why.

I’ve enjoyed working on cars and trucks for many years and recently creating this build thread to share how I’m building this truck. This bizarre incident will not stop me from continuing this build or posts and prevent me from doing something that I enjoy.

There’s plenty of things related to a build that could slow it or added together could become overwhelming to stop a build. The few complete rebuilds that I’ve been involved with have always taken longer than expected. One thing that has helped me is to break down the build into smaller packages of tasks and as I complete the tasks move them off the list of thing that need to be done. And some time even take the time to pat myself on the back for what’s been accomplished. The day will come when the to do list is smaller than the competed list and the end of the build will be coming in sight.

Hope your to do list is smaller than your completed list, enjoy your build and don’t let the delays get you down.
My Build Thread:
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