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Old 06-18-2011, 07:16 PM   #25
US Army Veteran
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Re: Electric fans? What has everyone decided?

Originally Posted by coater View Post
Good suggestion! Looking for a rad. and electric fan at this moment. Do you have any pictures of this set up, along with maybe a wiring diagram,with the componants(relays and wire harness) you may have used? Ready to fire up my new 400 and would like to keep it cool. Ordering radiator this weekend then on to the fan.
Thanks for the help.
I don't have any pics of the setup. Ebay would probably be your best bet for these. There is a seller: gt_recycler that seems to have a real good reputation for pulling good fans and testing them before putting up for auction. That's who I bought mine through.

There are a couple of guys that sell relay kits specifically for the Mark VIII fans. I almost went with one of them, but really liked the Pac 2700 because settings can be digitally set. If you go with the Pac 2700 fan controller, though, you would need to get one of the relays I mentioned because we blew the default 70 amp that came with the Pac 2700.

I've driven my truck several times for extended periods in city traffic since I posted above, and the fan is keeping it very cool. We see 105+ temps every day. Before, I could barely drive five miles, and was sweating at stop lights over the temp, but now, it doesn't go past the half way point on the temp gauge. When it gets there, you can watch it go back down pretty quickly.
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