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Old 05-11-2012, 10:30 PM   #1
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

Here is my attempt at what may or may not (probably not) be my brilliant idea. As you may know, I have an issue with the area where the firewall and floor seam meets. I was thinking I could cut a piece of the floor out of my old cab and use it to patch the new cab. So far not working so well.

I cut a piece that is WAY too big, figuring I could cut it down to size later and I avoid making a mistake by cutting it too small. I can't get the piece out of the cab as it seems to be welded to either the cab support or the brace below the cab. We have removed several of the spot welds from the brace as you will see. Trying to get the piece out without causing too much damage.

I am also posting new pics of the gap in the seam to show why I want to do this. One of the pics is taken without a flash and with a light behind it to show how much light comes through.

Dan, I may need that floor to firewall repair piece you made after all. PM the details of what I need to do to get it from you. How wide is the piece you made? Thanks!
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