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Old 06-30-2012, 05:10 PM   #128
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

Ok, so I finally have some progress to post. I woke up late and was feeling lazy, but finally got my ass outside to do some work. And once I started, I was determined to at least get to a certain point before I stopped, and get there I did.

So in the last post, you saw where I had cut the piece for the floor/firewall seam out of the old cab. I wish I had done this months ago, instead of listening to my friends that said I could just bang the seam back into place.

Anyway, so it went pretty well, at least I think it did. After a bit of a hassle getting it to line up the way I wanted, I tack welded it in a few spots to hold it in place. I think I will continue with the rest of the other work before I completely weld it in place.

My welding job is not perfect, but I think it did the job. I need more practice, but this is the first time I have really welded on the truck instead of a practice piece of scrap metal. I did some spot welds on the seam last time I worked and they came out okay, but that's about it. I made a couple of burn holes this time, but nothing serious. When I grinded them down, most of them seemed okay.

Since as you can see in pic #2, I did not make it quite long enough to meet the full area I cut, I will probably have to use one of the pieces Dan sent me (thanks again, Dan!) to help fill the gap.

I am really curious to see what you guys think of this job. Not only the quality (or lack there of) of the work, but the overall idea of what I did.
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