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Old 07-27-2013, 07:53 PM   #8
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Re: Another red 64 swb

I've put the truck into storage for a month or so as I'll be away for a couple of weeks and moving once i get back.

The brakes are terrible. While driving it to the storage place and the traffic stopped unexpectedly in front of me. I though I had plently of distance between me and the van ahead. As soon as put my foot on the brake I knew I was in trouble. It just wasn't pulling up fast enough. I then made the mistake of pumping the pedal and lost a further 50% of my braking power. The only thing that saved my bacon was that the traffic started moving again. It was still to close for comfort.

I really hadn't driven the truck since it arrived as the steering column had a collapsed bearing and that was the fist thing that needed attention. Looks like the brakes will be the next item on the list. I have to work out what disc brake set up i have in the front and how they converted the rear end to five stud. Then I guess I need to measure how much vacuum I have going to the booster too before I can decide what i'm going to do.

For now though the truck is in storage so it will have to wait till I get back.
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