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Old 08-21-2013, 09:55 PM   #1163
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

Just coming in from a quick drive around the neighborhood. Been working on tail lights all evening. Got some progress, but still a couple problems.

First off, I had power back to the plug for the tail light harness. So I plug it in and turn on parking lights. Left side works, right side doesn't. Bad bulb, both sides work.

Right turn signal works. When I hit the left turn all lights blink like I got flashers on. WTH? Unplug tail light harness, hit left blinker, it all works normal including power for left blinker at the rear plug. Hmmm, Try again, jiggle wires cuz that almost always works. Same crap.

The plug on the tail light harness is grounding out to the other lights. So I pull the hole harness out and tail light assemblies and replace it with 1 I found in the attic. I looked it over and remember it's the one I fixed waaaaaay back when I had the black body on here. It worked then, should work now right?

Well, in theory anyway.

Now theres no power to the right blinker, even at the plug. Its dead. WTH again. I hadn't done anything to change power to the plug, so whats the deal. Not even power for the parking lights. So I go jiggle the plug under the dash. Aaaah, there we go. Power to the parking lights. Push and pull and jiggle some more and then all the wires are powered up again.

Cool! plug in the tail light harness, put bulbs in, lights on. Yes!

Blinkers left? Yep. Blinkers right? Yes.

While I'm scrounging around the attic for a harness, I find the wiper part I need (Bonus!), and the side mirrors, and the box of all my lights/assemblies/lenses that I've been searching for since last week, and I haul the windshield down.

I had promised my youngest a ride in it today, so I call her out to the street for her turn in the wind tunnel. But asked her to check my lights out, cuz I couldn't check brake lights without some help or rigging the peddle down, and frankly, I was as fried as some of my wiring by that point. Anyway, no brake lights. Swell. Must be something with the brake pedal switch or something under the dash. I'll find that gremlin eventually.

Oh, and the rear side marker lights are dead. Could be the ground, or whatever. That's not really that important. Lower on the priority list than brake lights and windshield.

And my baby girl (she's 16) loved her ride, which made my day.

Windshield ain't perfect, but it'll do. As long as I can get it in without breaking it. Once it's installed, it's insured and I can hope for a well placed rock.

I also took one of the vent windows apart and then realized I don't have the rivet kit to finish it. So I checked with da burb and I might be able to get that tomorrow, and a couple other things I might be needing.

So overall, a productive night, but not without some difficulties. My end of the evening cruise helped sooth my mind and cool me off from this oppressive heat and humidity we were nailed with the past couple days.
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