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Old 06-22-2015, 11:40 PM   #8
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Re: Wizit's bagged 60 gmc build

let the air out to lay frame, why didnt I think of doing it that way?! engineers always work smarter not harder. (I am an engineer too)

did you hear about the engineer who got a call at work from his wife? she told him to stop at the store on the way home and pick up a loaf of bread, and if they had eggs to get a dozen. he went home with a dozen loaves of bread, looked her in the eye and said "they had eggs".

looks like a great start! living in coeur d'alene, work for a roller coaster company, and have a slammed 60 gmc, three out of three aint bad!
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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