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Old 10-04-2016, 09:52 PM   #4
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Re: 68 C50 Looongbed pickup build

Last bit on Saturday was to "remove" the cab bolts. The back ones came out easily. Removed the nuts from the front ones and the bolts never turned, WTF?? Turns out someone welded the bolts to the cab floor. That may make this fun.

So that brings us to Sunday.

I remembered that I had not welded up the AIR holes in the passenger side exhaust manifold so I did that and reinstalled it. I didn't take any pictures because it was the exact same procedure as the driver side covered in post #125.

Back to tearing down the 68... I removed the power brake booster from the firewall, then I pushed the truck outside and disconnected the fuel line under the cab. Then I pulled the bolts from the rag joint on the steering box. At this point two of my brothers jumped in and helped, one ran the "skytrac" (it's actually a Lull but few people have heard of that) brother #2 helped watch and direct. The cab came right off without hanging on anything.

Next up, I pushed that frame out of the way and took the power washer to the cab while I could easily get to the firewall. I didn't spend too much time but it wasn't greasy, just years of dust and dirt. After that we rolled the 89 frame out and went to set the cab on. There were several runs to the tool box as I had to remove some of the temp braces holding up the master cylinder and just little stuff like that. On the first stab we were off to the driver side and not enough slack to push it over so we had to lift again. It barely caught the shifter knob on the floorboard as it came up and put a small bend that I'll need to hammer and dolly out but that is no big deal. On the second try we were close enough that I was able to get both sets of bushings in place in the front and one on the back. One fork had slid over just far enough to keep the remaining body bushing in place so I set it over a few inches just to support the weight. At this point the cab is still sitting a little crooked so squaring it up and bolting it down will be the first priority next weekend. Nothing was removed from the cab for this procedure so it is very heavy but I have a plan

OK, so I'm pretty happy with the progress this weekend. I've found a couple of new challenges and will need to address some that I knew about all along like the steering column having a different connection and not reaching the box by about four inches as seen in the last picture. I'm hopeful that the column from the 89 will fit, if not I will use that to justify adding a tilt!

Thanks for checking in folks!

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I may have too many Chevys... Is that possible?
68 c50 pickup build:
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