Thread: Plus Five
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Old 05-01-2017, 03:39 PM   #8
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Location: Lakewood,New York
Posts: 502
Re: Plus Five

I've been busy cleaning and packing up our house to sell it
and move to our new house we will be building.

I have had a few hours here and there so I built some straps to
help limit the door opening. Being five inches longer made it
heavy enough that I was concerned about depending on just the
upper door hinge pocket for the stop.

The strap has heavy steel brackets behind the rocker panels and door
cavities to carry the load. I had already welded in a hat channel into
the back of the rocker panel so it is very strong.

The strap I made from seat belt material.
It seems to work pretty well in conjunction with the original stop.
It doesn't have any stretch so I adjusted it to snug up just as the door
reaches its travel limit.

I just need to round all of the edges then paint it body color and it will
be done.
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53 Chevy Pickup
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