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Old 06-11-2017, 12:46 AM   #67
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Re: 50 years ago I was given this USAF 54 3100

The link to this thread has been shared with some of those who may have seen this truck back when and hopefully some of the families whose loss is being remember by our humble efforts. That said we are merging all of the threads into this one. Hopefully the mods will move every thing to a build thread.

The last permanently installed sound system in this 54 was an aftermarket tube radio. Had a portable 4 track in it briefly until it was stolen 1n 1970. Yep someone actually stole a 4 track back then. Today we installed a new am fm, sd, usb you name it radio. The technological advances in 47 years is amazing to this old man. More amazing is that i just discovered that SD technology has apparently rendered Cassettes, CDs and about every previous recording mediums obsolescent. With a 32 GB SD you can record up to 4000 songs. I have 3910 to go. It went into the glove box as shown leaving room for a phone to charge. Only down side is remote will not work with glovebox door closed. Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
Once you have it set up it shouldn't be much of a hassle as most of us set the volume where we want it and if you have a long play list on the SD card you are good for days.

4000 songs x 3 minutes each is 12,000 minutes or 200 hours single play. Would be nice to adjust volume and song selection with remote (or change inputs) think its an Ir remote so just leave box open. Don't miss the 4 track altho still have the craftsman tool sets the idiots left behind when i came out of house to see what the noise was about.

I put some 200 watt multi-range marine grade speakers behind seat. Sounds OK but who can hear anymore?

I might use the bluetooth from the future dash tablet for a remote as well.
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