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Old 06-07-2019, 12:54 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Larkspur, Colorado
Posts: 910
Re: Bring a Trailer, reserve too High ??

Different priorities for different folks I suppose. I have to say I really like the way bring a trailer runs their program. The 20,000 reserve is reasonable, if the rest of your truck reflects the single picture you posted there’s no chance that truck is going to sell for less than mid to high 20s on BAT. And it will SELL, and that’s what brings more traffic to their site and the seller gets to stay home and doesn’t have to go through all the brain damage of selling a car at a live auction. That’s exciting stuff for some people, a giant pain in the ass for others. The live auction sites generally take a much higher commission plus all kinds of other goofy fees. The seller might even make a couple more bucks in the end or simply walk away when the reserve is not met.

After being in this is long as I have I’m just one of those people that when it’s time to sell I just make it as simple as possible. I only use craigslist for everything, I put a fair market value/price for what i’m selling, no ramped up numbers. I’m firm and nonnegotiable for 30 days of the ad. If you want the item come buy It at that price and take it home. If you don’t, there’s plenty more out there and you can keep fishing. If it hasn’t sold after 30 days I make the choice to let it go to the highest offer or just keep it. I put all this information in the ad so there is no guesswork whatsoever. I suppose I might be able to make a couple more bucks on one of the auction sites, no thanks, I just like to keep it simple and keep the ball entirely in my court.

Steve weim55 Colorado
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