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Old 11-01-2020, 09:09 PM   #4
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Posts: 13
Re: Stuttering Stanley

Originally Posted by cornerstone View Post
It's hard to see how much of the rust is just on the surface, but It's a personal choice for you to decide how nice you want it to be. I went for patching the areas that had holes all the way through and not replacing the entire floor. From what I've seen replacing the entire floor doesn't appear all that hard, as long as you are ok with full cab removal. That will give you the best result for sure... but again, personal choice.

I see your spid shows it came with a front tow hook, is it still there?
alot of the rust is just not ready for a full cab off yet your right thats probably gonna be the deciding not bad with a welder i have both a stick and wirefeed (cheap gassless) so i figure ill do a bit of "patching" and see how it makes me feel when im done with it.....i have a parts truck out in the field and i looked at the floor today.....i could probably break out the diegrinder and get what i need from it...but man thats alot of grinder time and i hate that crap with a passion.....only takes a few well placed sparks and my dreads will go up like toilet tissue ....i will probably order the new rockers just because they are the worst and almost completey gone......and nope the hook is gone lol.....funny i looked as soon as i read it and noticed it was gone and never thought twice about it but now that you mentioned it that was a "factory option" huh?
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