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Old 11-02-2020, 07:16 PM   #12
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Napa, CA
Posts: 242
Re: 83 C30 Crew Cab Front Seat Frame - Busted!

I got my first seat recovering under my belt this last Saturday.

I had ordered up a set of front and back bench seat covers from USA1 Industries for my 83 Big Brown Turd. So far I have received only one of the seat covers – but I guess that is just how we roll now in our “Shut the World Down, Pandemic” world.

I also ordered a new bottom seat foam as my donor bench was chewed up pretty bad.

The seat foam was a little short on the overall length. My buddy who does custom interiors and helped guide me told me that on the next one, we will cut it in half and add a foam block in the middle to lengthen it. Yes there will be not just another one, but at least three more as I bought another C30 and I am going to eventually sell off the Big Brown Turd.

It’s not perfect, I would like to get the seat bottom welting a little more smoothed out around the corner, but….it sure looks better than what I had.
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