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Old 01-09-2021, 11:00 PM   #29
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Re: off topic a little, maybe but how do you have the energy

Originally Posted by ChevyRacefan View Post
Hello. as I [pass the half century mark. I have found it hard to find time t spend on my automotive fix/hobby.
Wife is ok with it, i have the funds, persay for what I want out f my week end fun truck.
I love cars/trucks, but I am dead tired from my work week and tend to not touch my project because of being tired/beat .
How do you push yourself to get out and work on you hobby when you are beat from the job that pays the bills
I have thought of just selling it all , but that one start and drive brings me back to a time of no caring and no worries. but to do what I would like to do to it, I am so beat from my job, that I just put it off. how do you get passes the tiredness and just forge ahead. I get that for some it iis a business, this question isn't for you, it is fo the guy/gal that works a 40-80 hour week that is dad tired that wants to work on his/her hobby but is dead tired.
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