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Old 05-15-2021, 10:30 AM   #3
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Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Originally Posted by Paul Y View Post
Thanks Jeff,

Must admit that I had a total MOJO failure this past weekend after struggling for 3 hours with my pot blaster, got frustrated, and then ended up trying to push the rear control arm bushes out with my press.

That ended up badly as I bent the arm - nothing that cant be re bent - so shut the garage door and retired to the sanctity of beer and the F1.

Goodish news is that all of the parts I have been waiting for should be here on Friday and Lady P has informed me that she is working on Saturday so I can have a guilt free day in the garage.

I 'think' I should still be able to get Woody back on four wheels by the end of the month, probably without the engine in and fired up, but that is more progress than I have made in the past few years!

Could have just thrown it all back together but, as you say, knowing that I have a solid base is what is motivating me to keep going. That and my daughter asking if we can get the Christmas tree in Woody this year... No pressure then....

Looking forward to seeing your cab in paint.

That is good, you get a guilt free day... i remember those.. now that is everyday and not by my choice honestly....
So today i am going for a early morning hike then out to shop to get the damn bottom door area of cab cut and pulled out to match the door and then rewelded up. After that... it is ready to be sprayed with grease and wax remover, and the epoxy sealer spayed on!!
I say that but watch i will be inspecting everything and find something that will hold be back to spray until next weekend. LOL
John 3:16 - Saved me... God Bless
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