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Old 05-16-2021, 04:29 PM   #4
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

The observant amongst you will notice that there was no update last week, for others probably a blessed releif from more picture of nothing but partially blasted suspension pieces.

Now dear viewer let me tell you why I missed last week off.Simply put even I had had enough of the continual cleaning blasting unclogging sifting and general monotonous receptiveness that my 'hobby' had become.

So I took a week off - well after spending a few hours fighting my blaster and then bending a control arm in frustration from my missing' weekend - and went and spent some more money.

First purchase was a fresh batch of blasting media. At £7ish per 25kg I just couldn't face sifting and cleaning the stuff I already had.

Next was something I wish I had purchased a year ago - a 5mm nozzle. What an absolute revelation this bad boy is. No more clogging and when I did reuse some media I just chucked it in and away we went. Wonderful....

Now before I get too carried away I did make a school boy error when ordering the rear control arm bushes. I mistakenly thought they came as singles so ordered 2 boxes... On a positive I now have a spare set and Rock Auto managed to get them here in 3 days which must be some sort of record.

Ah Yes. In other news the box containing my Steel-It paint finally arrived so this weekend I should be able to get loads done especially as Lady P had informed me that she was going out for the day on Saturday. Perfect...

Well.. nearly. Now for those paying attention I might have made mention that I am Charlie Big Potatoes at a Logistics Software start up which is, to be perfectly honest, rather tiring. Well absolutely knackering is closer to the truth.

Why is this relevant I hear you ask? Well after Lady P had left for the day and I had returned from taking the Mutts for a walk, I decided to have a 30 minute lie down before heading outside. I mean, it was only 9.30 so half an hour is not going to hurt is it...

Next thing I know the dogs are shouting at me and it is 6pm... Ho hum. Must have needed the rest.

So here I am a week behind schedule, best set the alarm for Zero dark 30 then and just get on with it...

First things first, Blasting 'tent' constructed.

Lower suspension arm half way through the process. Did I say I love new media and a 5mm nozzle?

Rear control arms. Done!

Upper suspension arms.. Done along with the pivots.

Still a bit cold so broke out the space heater to warm up the paint and...

Taa Daa!

Painted stuff

Whilst that was going off time to get the control arm bushes out with my favourite tool...


And finally...

So. Nowhere near as much as I wanted to get done but, progress is progress. Promise that next weeks update will be a bit more boltie boltie rather than cleanie cleanie....

And as you have made it this far a little something Lady P saw in the car park, apparently it goes up and down....

Until the next time dear viewers....


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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