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Old 06-09-2021, 10:49 PM   #2
1971 K10 shortbox
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Lake Orion MI
Posts: 111
Re: State Farm road assistance sucks and broken.

That’s not uncommon for State Farm roadside assistance. A little over a month ago, I had a flat tire, it was rainy and cold. I didn’t feel like getting out to change the tire in the rain, thought I never use the roadside assistance, so I call the State Farm number. I did get to speak to someone right away, she said she would send someone out. After I hung up I received a text that said it would be 1-1/2 hours, 2 hours later the guy showed up in a Ford Escape, couldn’t figure out how to lower the tire, and said it would need to be towed, then he got back in his escape and left. I called State Farm back and told them, they contacted the company and the guy told them the lug nuts were stripped. I said that’s funny because he never even touched the lug nuts. I asked them to send somebody who wasn’t stupid. Same thing another text, 1-1/2 wait, guy shows up, this time in a flat bed tow truck, I am thinking good a professional. Well, never speak too soon. I seen him fumbling around to lower the tire, walked to the back of the truck, where I observed him stick the wrong end of the tool into the hole to lower the tire. I explained to him that was the wrong end, and he said he knew what he was doing. That he couldn’t lower the tire and I would need to be towed. I said fine, you have a flatbed, load it up. He said he wasn’t authorized. I told him don’t go anywhere, I will call State Farm and get you authorized. He got in his truck and left. I have now been sitting there for over 4 hours. I call State Farm and tell them just send a tow. She says no problem, that it would be an hour and a half. I said an hour and a half, to which she replied that’s standard wait time sir. I said what about the 4 hours I have already been waiting with the first 2 idiots, was that standard? So by now I am a little upset, I am sitting there waiting for tow truck #3, I said the hell with it. Got out and changed the tire myself, had no problems lowering the tire, no stripped lug nuts. Threw the spare in the bed and decided I am wet and pissed off, I am going home. Went to start the truck, DEAD BATTERY from the flasher being on all day. we’ll now I have to wait for tow truck #3, he arrives, I tell him the day I have had, and that I just need a jump now. He says ok, just let me charge up my box. I am thinking charge your box? WTF? So as we are waiting for the box to charge he says to me what was the last guys name, I look it up on my caller ID and he says, yeah, that guy is an idiot, he works for our company. Finally jump box charged, he hooks it up and……nothing. It’s not charged enough to jump the truck. I said just put your jumper cables on it so I can go home. He says, well I don’t have cables, of course I didn’t either because they were in my diesel. I said just tow me home. Sure he says, how far, I reply 3 miles. So if you keeping track, I am now home and a flat tire has taken 3 tow drivers and 6-1/2 hours.
A half hour after I got home State Farm calls and asked if I would like to take a survey on their roadside assistance program. 😏
1971 Chevy SWB 4x4
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