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Old 07-25-2021, 12:00 PM   #19
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Re: Hello Detroit. What happened to truck designs?

I am not a fan of the new truck designs, but I thought I'd share some data points.

Most new cars sold are AWD or 4x4 (51% in 2020), so the body style is geared toward that market.

The trucks are getting tested in the wind tunnel and mpgs are better than they have ever been. The new Tahoe (I'm sure the sierra as well) gets 28mpg. I think they found out like a lot of companies, that what looks aero, isn't always.

Smaller and sleeker trucks are available, but are ignored. The Colorado and ranger match the proportions/size of the classic trucks pretty well and have a sleeker appearance. Somehow people have equated smaller trucks with diminished capability.
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