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Old 07-28-2021, 06:29 PM   #9
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Re: Share your little know fact ..Here is mine

Originally Posted by GOPAPA View Post
These Black lines are there to identify where to cut open the side of a school bus (if needed ) to rescue children with the least amount of harm while doing so.

Attachment 2117107
Well.....yes and no...................
I worked at a school bus dealer for 14 years, now work ON school buses for local school. I maintain 28 school buses and about same number of pickups, suburbans, and vans (9 years and counting...) Just a couple of Fords, Thank You, Lord!!!

None of the training I received (and you get a bunch of training when you work on vehicles that transport a commodity that is MORE valuable than ANY thing else, period!!!

Those pieces are called "rails". They stiffen the sides of a bus body in case of an accident. Not all states require the rail at the "very" bottom. Many states in the north require that lowest most rail, in case a bus slides into a snow bank or something similar with snow, helps prevent body damage.

The areas you have marked are correct on where a child would sit in a bus!!!
ALL folks need to know that!!!


Not all states have their rails painted black. Some require them yellow. All states must have their buses abide minimum safety rules the Fed's require. All states add their own safety guide lines that MUST be met IF the state governing agency says so...

Some states require a certain type of material to be used to upholster passenger seats.
Most states require roof emergency hatches, some one, most two.

If you live in California, the school bus wheels there, are painted yellow, I don't know of any other state that requires this.

Iowa requires storm glass on both sides of the drivers vision, even the first set of passenger windows at the front of the bus, for vision in the winter when windows are frozen over.

Many states (Oklahoma has since 2007) requires extra tall passenger seats, that help cushion children's bodies, in the event of an accident.

If you want to know about seat belts in buses.......Full size school buses are make from the ground up, with safety in mind....FIRST!!!
The statistics will am amaze you.

Full size, medium School Buses (NOT one ton buses) generally have between one and twenty fatalities per year, FOR THE WHOLE COUNTRY!!!

There have been years when this number has been less than 10.

You have and will see terrible accidents involving school buses with fatalities, beware!!! Also pay attention to the type of bus you see in a bad accident. Pay attention to see IF it's a yellow and block school bus!!! NOT all buses are built with the same safety requirements of a school bus!!!

Oh, the stat for fatalities of lost childrens lives in car accidents, on the way to over 1000
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