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Old 08-04-2021, 06:46 AM   #1
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Location: Savoy, MA
Posts: 70
Rigged up a Hoist for my K5 Top

Been wanting to do this for a while. I used to use my Rotary lift, and that worked good, but I wanted something that would store the top all summer up and out of the way.

Bought some 8x8" L-brackets from Home Depot and bent them to shape and covered them with foam. I also had to buy en electric hoist from HF and some pulleys. Everything else I had laying around.

Works pretty good. Gets the top up high and out of the way without tying up my lift all summer. Think I need to add some kind of a catch or hook or something bolted to the wall so I can take the weight off the hoist once the top is lifted to the ceiling.

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