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Old 08-09-2021, 04:35 PM   #16
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Whilst waiting for said tools to turn up I did a little living.

Went to visit my very good friend Jay who now spends his day putting these sort of things together.


Plus in the unit next to him one of the Nova's from Death Proof.

Also spent some time here with Lady P and Dog.

And because life is slowly getting back to normal enjoyed a rather drunken day with my oldest friend at Goodwood Festival of Speed where I spent far too much time lusting after this.

By which time other things, tools things had arrived.

Big thanks to @winchman who pointed me towards this rather fine piece of equipment when I realised that my puller had been taken in the last break in 5 years ago.

That meant that the pitman arm could be taken off my old steering box and secured the wrong way round on my new one....

Next was instal my NoLimits from Anti Roll bar which, I realised half way through installing it that I had made a complete pigs ear of, the first time round. This was quickly brought to light and corrected by reading the instructions...ridiculous behaviour...

It did highlight the problem that the crossmember, that had been bent and split during Woody's awakening from the container on his trip to the Motherland, would require some remedial attention with a large hammer.

Whats next on the list then? Plumbing in the brakes. For some reason I was really not looking forward to this but, Hey Ho. Lets go!

First things first, lets install the flexible hoses to the callipers...oh hold on...

Captains side, not a problem. The drinkers side however... Grrrrr... The thread in the calliper to take the bolt holding the flexie line in had been damaged, which really made me rather annoyed as I had visions of having to buy another one, an expense I really didn't fancy. However, after regaining my coooool ran a tap through the thread and, after a lot of swearing, pleased to say that it cleaned up very well. Gave it a good clean out and we are good to go. if it turns out to be a dud in the future I will probably upgrade to a set of dual piston Wilwoods but, for the moment all good.

With the 'simple' job of getting the flexie pipes in time to break out my faithful brake tool...

... and remake the pipes I made 4 years ago.

quite pleased with the way they came out.

Dog approved.

Now on to the backs.

Quick bracket made up

Painted and installed along with the flexie for the rears

Which highlighted a potential problem for 'Next Year Paul' that of if I DO decide to do a C notch I will have to redo the brake line routing as well as the fuel lines. Bit annoyed at myself that I didn't think of it before hand but a quick look at the fuel lines shows that an additional bit of braided line will solve the fuel issue and the brake line problem I will worry about...later.

Thinking ahead I was looking for fuel filler lines for my rear mounted tank when I came across this for the princely sum of £10 on eBay

More will become clear in the fulness of time.

Which leads me onto my final picture for the evening and a reference back to the springs and Mrs. Grinder.

Will save the final cutting until I have Woody back in one piece and he has had some time to settle, plus I have got the right size front tyres, but can already see another half coil joining my trophy cabinet.

Hope to drag Woody outside over the coming week to give him a bit of a wash off plus tidy up the disaster that is my garage.

With that I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening.

Until the next time.


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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