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Old 08-21-2021, 04:04 PM   #273
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 946
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.


Is what 18 months of work look's like.

Now I don't expect you to be overwhelmed but to me this was a huge milestone. How do I know you will not be overwhelmed? Quite simply I called Lady P to come and look at what I had achieved as Woody emerged from the garage like a rather large (and Ugly) Moth from a chrysalis.

Her comment... What have you done... Good job she is a bit of a Hottie or she would have been kicked to the curb years ago. Anyway...

All of the plumbing is now in place, brakes and fuel, tight and just awaiting testing - only thing left to do on the tank is to trim off the ends of the inlet and return to fit the compression fittings and put the Walbro 450 in the tank

Tank is fitted but still a little loose as I start putting together the rats nest that is going to be the fill and vents etc. I have a cunning plan to conceal the filler but you will have to wait a while until I get to that stage.

As Woody was outside the garage I took the opportunity to have a tidy up, sweep the floors and move the cab liberating some much needed space.

Why do I need the space?

Next stage of the build is to plonk this between the rails and attempt to get it started.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about what I am looking too have at the end of the build process. The plan has not changed, just the timings.

So...... I am going to put the LS in 'as is' I have a Sloppy Stage 2 cam and a set of 80lb SnakeEater injectors already but if I put these in I will need to buy tuning software at a cost of $500Ish.

Now that $500 I can use on a wiring loom that is desperately needed - seems like a sensible choice to me - and I would still need to buy the loom even if I get the HP Tuners software which means I could add another 3 months to the build process...

I am going to paint the firewall, my pal Jay has offered to be my Yoda so feel slightly more confident about it, and Raptor the floor. I 'Might" strip the interior completely and repaint it - I will see how the firewall turns out.

Still need a T56 - if anybody want to donate one to the cause!- I really want to get my tree this year in Woody, lets see how close I get.

Longer term I will take the engine out to fit the cam, injectors etc and fit the turbo, at that point I might go with the Holley Terminator or stump up for the HP Tuners. That part of the plan has not changed. Tuuuurrrrrrbbbbbooooooo.

Strictly for burnouts and ice cream you understand.

And with that I will bid you a good day!


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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