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Old 08-25-2021, 11:02 AM   #22
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Re: Finally getting AC

Originally Posted by mister.freeze View Post
This is where my temp always has been before messing with the condenser.
I removed the condenser to take the fan off of it and ran around with the new shroud. Not as cool as it used to be! Cooler than with the condenser and no shroud, though. So I took off the shroud and am back to square one with just the fans on the radiator. As stated previously, max flow should be at highway speeds, and it is. In the past, I could turn off the fans at highway speeds and stay cool. If I forgot to turn them back on and got hot at at a stop or in traffic, turning them on would bring me back down to the pictured temp. Soooo... I'm going to try mounting the condenser up against the radiator with no condenser fan and no shroud. I think the shroud was hindering my highway flow, but improving my low-speed flow. If this doesn't work, I'll try mounting the condenser FARTHER from the radiator and using it's supplied fan to isolate it from the radiator. Thoughts?
As I said in my previous post, the condenser needs to be close to the rad. If it isn't you will create turbulence between the two and you will have "dirty" air trying to go through the rad.
Break out your wallet, get an aluminum rad and get an off the shelf fan/shroud properly sized for your rad and you wont have cooling issues.
Also, ditch that pusher fan, they don't work.
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