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Old 08-29-2021, 02:44 PM   #4
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

very quick update and a question to those who are following along.

So This....

Tells me two things.

1. The lowest part of Woody is going to be the crossmember so my measuring was pretty much spot on with the CTS-V sump

2. Mr. Grinder will be making a further visit to Mrs Spring.

But that is something that can be fixed...later...

Why the engine test fit?

Exactly that, to test the fit of the TBSS manifolds - a little trim will be required on the drinkers side.

Captains side is fine.

Had to do a little 'light' clearancing on the engine mounts to get it to all sit nicely but other than that really pleased with the mounting kit. Good news is that once the cab is back on I can finalise the position of the engine, I want to get it as far back and as low down as possible. Between the adapter plates and the adjustment in the stands there is lots of room for activities....

Other reason for fitting the engine was to check clearance for the turbo return.

I have been procrastinating on this far more than usual, there is a part of me that doesn't want to start drilling holes in the sump but also another part of me that realises if I don't then the Choo Choo will probably not materialise.

With that being said I am actually really pleased I decided to wait and test it as where I originally planned on putting the return would have meant getting the line onto it would have been a real pain.

Therefore this is where I have decided to drill a hole.

That brings you up today on todays attempts. Doesn't look like much but had to extract the crane from the darkest corner of the garage, make an engine hook and keep an ear out for if/when the Spa GP was going to start.

Thats my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Right. For this that have got this far you might remember that I had a question.

The LS is not the most cosmetically appealing engine ever created, and I am not one for building covers, but I would like to apply a little lipstick to the pig. Question is, what?

Here are the current choices, please feel free to make your own suggestions.

1. Paint the block Chevy Orange and wrinkle red the valve covers. Blast and lacquer the aluminium engine parts.

2. Paint the engine Black and wrinkle black the valve covers. Blast and lacquer the aluminium engine parts.

3. Leave it as it is - no amount of lipstick is going to get this pig a date.

Until the next time... Onwards!

Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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