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Old 08-30-2021, 04:40 PM   #8
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Warning! Lots of pictures of not a lot.

I finally put on my big girl pants and decided to drill holes to fit this.

One small problem.

So... after a lot of measuring, re measuring sitting on the milk crate of inspiration I finally did drilling.

and then some cutting.

and then some fitting with the super washers that Mark gave me to stop leakage.

Yup, that works. Misses the oil pick up and is significantly above the level of the oil. Phew.

Next job was to finally fit the sump for hopefully the last time until Choo Choo time. This is my first LS, previously had lots of small blocks and big blocks and I can already see the appeal. Things like reusable gaskets is such a nice change from the fit once, scrape off and buy another that has been my previous engine experience.

A little dab of red sealer on the joints and then fit for the final time.

With the engine buttoned up it was time to commence operation "Lipstick on Pig". Stripped off the exhaust manifolds starter motor etc block off the exhaust ports blah blah blah and get down to a little cleaning.



Removal of the rocker covers revealed more to support the low mileage and regular oil changes.

One side done. Actually looks OK.



NEXT! Off with the inlet to give the underside a bit of a clean.

Not too much evidence of rodents!

The inlet and coil pack actually cleaned up quite nicely.

Annnndddd here it is all buttoned up. I will clean up the front accessories when I put the new cam in but for now... that will do Donkey....

Oh, you know I said that my lb-in torque wrench was the most useless tool in my box? I take it back. Everything on an LS, well apart from the big stuff, is in lb-in.

I did warn you there were a whole load of pictures...

Until the next time.


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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