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Old 09-03-2021, 04:15 PM   #14
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Apparently hope is a strategy.

Upon opening the garage door and wondering over to my 'clean' workbench I decided to have a further tidy up and TA DAAA! the missing blue clip appeared, as if by magic sitting on top of my band saw.... Grrrr....

I could have wired the pump directly to the pins to reduce the amount of connectors but, if I find myself stranded at the side of the road with a failed pump, it is going to be easier to unplug and replug rather than have to un pin and re pin. Notice the multimeter above, I did do all sorts of things that I really don't understand but it proved the wiring is good. Phew.


Time to fit the pump in the carrier, think I might need to do a little clearancing.

Thats better.



Not got a picture but measured to the bottom of the tank and to the bottom of the sock and there is about a 1/4 clearance. Perfect.

Last part of the fuel system is the regulator, feed and return lines.

Will end up using bulkhead fittings through the inner wing once everything is back together but for the moment this will do to test and get the engine started.

Talking of which...

Oil filters. This may come across as a mini rant but bear with me.

For those keeping score I changed the sump over to a CTS-V from the truck one originally fitted, which meant I had to get a metric oil filter.

Call the usual suspects to see if they have a Wix filter in stock, my preferred brand, and yes they do. Huzzah!

That will be £16.40.

Plus VAT.

Plus shipping.

AT £9.20!!!!!

Now I know we all need to make a profit to live on but £30.72 for an oil filter?

Ended up getting a K&N one directly from K&N for £13 delivered.

Good enough for Nascar so good enough for me.


Unlike the good old small block the oil pump can not be spun over with a drill on the LS as it is driven from the crank.

Under normal circumstances I would just crank it over until the oil pressure came up and then connect the coils and...VROOM... but Woody's new heart has been without oil for the past 6 years so decided to whip together a pre lube tool, just in case....

Heath Robinson would be proud...

So what is this wonderful contraction then?

A weed sprayer from Screwfix, a few connectors and a bit of hose plus an AN fitting and some hose clamps. Oh yes. and a compressor.

No it is not pretty, Yes it worked.

In theory all that's left to do is to put some super unleaded in the tank, run the pump to make sure there are no leaks. Plug in the harness, connect the computer. Add a battery and...turn the key

Oh, and fit the exhaust manifold.

Start crossing your fingers now, tomorrow is going to be epic.

Only time will tell if it is glorious success or epic fail....

Until tomorrow.


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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