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Old 09-05-2021, 03:09 PM   #23
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Quick rewind then.

When I left you yesterday this was spraying fuel everywhere.

Quick disassemble revealed numerous bits of swarf from the machining process were still in the body meaning that the diaphragm was not seating properly. Grrrr....

Skinny might be worth a quick inspection before you put fuel through your one

With that all safely buttoned up a quick test revealed that it was indeed fixed and we were ready to go. Well once I had worked out why it wouldn't turn over.

This turned out to be my own stupidity as I had the Lone Wolf 3000 connected to earth rather than live, quick change around and we had the engine turning over, Very slowly. Even with the plugs out.

Oh Bumhats.

Images of me running the bearings dry had me re priming the engine with another 3 litres of oil. Lets try that again then shall we. Nope still turns over slowly. Now beginning to panic. Lets check the battery voltage then.

13.8 volts.

Now really panicking.

Wonder what the voltage is whilst cranking...

7.3 Volts. HUZZAH!!!!!!

Quick swop over to another battery and we now wizz over at a very respectable rate.

Ok, plugs in and this on stand by.

Lets prime the lines again and flick the switch

This did make me do a little dance in the garage.

Oil pressure was great, upto around 80lb with a little rev, No knocks. No rattles - even the lifters were quiet! Very very happy.

I am never going to be a David Bailey but here is the second attempt.

Yes I am wearing wellies. With shorts. Get over it.

The hesitancy is because the pump is not running, the engine is running off the fuel in the rails and also the fuel pressure was around 20lb rather than 60lb but even so I will put that down as Great Success!

That is where I ran out of time for today as my parents were coming over for lunch but did close the door feeling very pleased with myself. Even Lady P came out and congratulated me. Well I think that what she was saying as my ears were ringing from the awesomeness of the open exhausts...

Next stage is going to be getting the firewall ready for paint, stripping the undersea from Woodys bottom and generally getting ready to put the cab back on the chassis. Aim is to have this next part of the deal done by middle October, so another 6 week sprint. I have a tree to collect at Christmas.

Still waiting for my benefactor to show up with my T56 though....

With that I will wish you a very pleasant Sunday.

Until the next time....



p.s I have tried for the past 10 minutes to get the video to play on this page but failed miserably . Sorry!
Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...

Last edited by Paul Y; 09-05-2021 at 03:17 PM.
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