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Old 09-17-2021, 11:10 AM   #19
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Re: 700R4 LockUp Troubleshooting

Originally Posted by sick472 View Post
Here's a twist to the puzzle which I will be communicating to my transmission guy.

Last night's test...

I cut the hot "B" wire and grounded the "D" wire. Everything functioned well right into 4th gear. There was no lock-up that I could tell all the way through 3rd gear, but forth gear hit and it locked up within a 3 mph increase as I was accelerating (around 70 mph). Probably in less than 2-3 seconds after it went into 4th gear. BUT, it had a bad shudder/vibration that was felt and heard. It felt like an out of balance tire. I immediately disconnected the ground and the shudder went away. Upon reconnecting it...the shudder came back without fail over several trials in 4th lock-up in 3rd whatsoever while toggling the ground. The ground was switched in the cab so I could toggle at will.

I am at a loss until I can get my guy to drop the pan and define how it is wired internally (he apparently did not pay any attention to that when he rebuilt it - uuuhg!). I don't know what to think about the shudder as I would have been happy with lock-up in 4th only.
That sounds like progress! I wonder if the transmission was rewired to have the 4th gear connected between the D pin and the TCC solenoid. That would explain why the TCC didn't lock up in 3rd. You should be able to leave your manual switch on all the time, and it will lock up automatically in 4th gear only.
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