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Old 09-25-2021, 06:56 AM   #34
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Re: I caused a back up at the drive through today.

Originally Posted by LONGHAIR View Post
I'm sure a lot of you "old guys" remember back when grocery stores used to actually stamp the prices onto the products as they were loaded onto the shelves. Back then, at least in my area, if the price went up, it only applied to the newest stock on the shelves. The cans/boxes that had been stamped with the price from when they arrived, were still sold for that previous price. So, theoretically you could buy two cans of soup at different prices, even though they were exactly the same otherwise.
People today would be mind-blown by that. Today the price is on the shelf, could change at any time, and every can sells for the increased price. This maximizes profit by selling goods that were purchased at the earlier lower cost for the same increased price of the newest inventory.

Then the cashiers had to enter the price into the register "by hand", none of that scanning like today. Then they had to make change, or wait for someone to write a check, because you couldn't buy food with a credit card (debit cards didn't exist yet)
Something as simple as a trip to the local grocery store has changed so much......damn, I'm old
Been there done that
My Dad had a grocery , butcher shop store when I was a kid and I do remember that price stamper very well , ink pad in the bottom turn the rubber bands with numbers on them to the price you wanted and stamp away and your right the price never changed unless new stock did.
He trained me on the cash also and you counted the change back to the customer .
" Son , don't put the eggs in the bottom of the bag"
You packed their items they didn't do it and carried them to their car also
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