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Old 12-02-2021, 11:59 AM   #11
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Re: Paint Gun Recommendations

Quite a few years back I had bought Iwata guns, after having extensively used the Sata NR95. I found myself not readily capable of using the Iwata gun as it is a slower application and my motor skills had become "programmed" to the Sata's faster application. I sold the Iwata's and went back to Sata. Please understand I'm not pushing one product over the other, but depending on how you (will) spray, the way in which one paint gun sprays over another may play nicer with your style of paint application for better results.. The slower application may be better suited to smaller parts, as in painting motorcycles, where you don't have as much sheet metal to get covered in xyz amount of time. I would add though, for a novice it is likely easier to spray faster than it is to spray slower, and still maintain consistency in distance to panel, speed of application, etc. (Devilbiss) Tekna is another gun that has good reviews and falls about in the middle of the Iwata and Sata as far as speed of application.
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