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Old 03-12-2022, 05:16 PM   #1
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Will gas prices mothball your truck?

Right now California gas prices are approaching 6 bucks/gal. Which makes the price of a day trip in my 15mpg small block powered truck cost a about 50 bucks. I believe we have yet to see the cost of diesel fuel really hit the store shelves but I think it surely will. I'm not rich but I used to think I've done pretty well for myself.
Now however, as I look at prices skyrocketing all around me the idea of burning up a 50 dollar bill in my '66 seems quite extravagant since my retirement savings are worth less money with evey passing day.
Most local cruise nite venues in my area disappeared in the pandemic never to return and my friends have pretty much parked their classic cars for economic reasons as well. What about you? Do you forsee a glut of classic cars hitting the market as gas heads for the 10 dollar mark? These trucks have recently achieved a market level which makes them a pretty decent investment, do you see that tide beginning to recede? Will you wait it it out? Or maybe like me, you're so pissed that you have thoughts of selling now while the gettin' is still good and bankrolling that cash for your future. It's becoming the elephant in the room and nobody is talking about it here.

Last edited by AcampoDave; 03-15-2022 at 01:20 AM. Reason: Typo
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