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Old 01-14-2023, 07:45 AM   #6049
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside RESTO-GO!

So it seems like I now have a cat.

Or at least, being Georges butler is being formalised.

He has been coming here since Mollie lived here, she always chased him away, and when she got killed out in the street, he started to move in bit by bit, watching me work at the garage, often sitting under a bush in the garden.
One day I took him some dried catnip because he always liked the wild catnip bush in the garden.
At that point we thought he was a feral cat, how wrong we were.

Eventually he started to come indoors, through the catflap and open back door.
Treats, food, kibble etc became part of the protocol over the last year and last week, interestingly, I ordered him a Catmate water fountain and a dry food feeding tower, they were the final steps in giving up on trying to not completely invite him in. Who was I fooling.
His owners knew he was living here, in the house, in the Rezin Rockit and under the carport during summer.
I put a Christmas card through their door last year, knowing he was spending most of the time at my place.
I would never go buy a cat, but they are welcome to come and go of their own volition.

So the reply from his owner below.

Thank you for yours ! To be honest George hasn’t been home since we bought our new daughter Felicity home, he definitely thought oh god they got another one to add to Jaxon who is now 2.5 years old 🤣 I’m just glad he’s happy and warm I know what a cold soul he is, so he’s definitely loving not having any kids about that’s for sure. They do say cats have multiple owners/slaves and since he’s been allowed out he’s living his best life. I just appreciate you looking after him as well. Because we all love him x

Then yesterday I caught him scavenging in the kitchen, as I heard noises while working in the lounge.

I recorded him and sent it to his owner. Followed by her reply and the following exchange last night.

Hey sorry I didn’t reply earlier things have been a bit stressful here lately, I have something I need to talk to you about in regards to George x

P.S. He’s always been partial to a bit of chocolate he also likes a Cheezy Wotsit x

So lately we have been having a few boiler issues which we thought we were working through with “The landlord” but apparently not, things have got heated up and the professionalism and respect is no longer there. Therefore we have made the decision to leave and find somewhere else to call home.
However this is what I wanted to talk to you about…. George hasn’t been home to live with us since we brought the baby home, he’s checked in once or twice but not actually come home and I truly think he is much happier with you, without the babies being all over him. We have found a new home in Allhallows and just going through the referencing now, but my heart hurts. Pulling George away from you when he obviously feels more at home with you. I know cats have a vast mileage radius where they roam if they are roamers, but I’m concerned that if we take him away from the only outside space he knows he will attempt to roam back and get hurt on the way back to your home or worse.
Would you be willing to take George on as a furry lodger on a permanent basis?
I couldn’t forgive myself taking him away from you and the home he loves now, and him get hurt trying to get back. Clearly he loves you and I love him. So to know that you are good and right for him, the babies are too much for him I think. If not then that’s absolutely fine too x

This really hasn’t been an easy question to ask he will always be my first baby. And it kills me everyday that the kids are too much for him. So the guilt I feel about this is truly immense but I just want George to be happy. And with us he isn’t so much, but from your photos he really does look it with your home x

So sorry my battery died. Please don’t feel guilty for loving him though the fact you do fills my heart with hope and happiness.

When I first saw him I fell in love with him. He was one of my childhood friends cats kittens she couldn’t have 5 cats so she gave the kittens to people but vetted them all first.
George went and came back 4 times to other people before I popped round and fell in love. That day he came home with me and stayed until we moved here, he was a house cat before moving here, as we lived in the woods and right by the motorway. Just as I was going to let him out, my neighbours cat was run over and killed and I couldn’t do it. Over here it took me a fair few months to even be comfortable letting him out. I’ll be honest “The Landlord” doesn’t know about George, as it was a no no to pets but I couldn’t let him go so we hid him when he came to inspect the house, he only checks in once or twice a month now he won’t even come in the house anymore.

I would call you back but I’m ugly crying now the guilt is taking over about leaving him behind but he isn’t happy with us anymore it would kill me knowing if he gets hurt or killed making his way back x

Honestly I cry like a baby when it comes to animals one of my cats when I lived with my parents got run over we only found out coz the ice cream man told us I cried for months, my parents also lost their cat recently, she was like a sibling to me she was 23 years old. I was 8 when she moved in. Our one that got run over was her baby he was born on my bed.

I just know he will come back to your home if we take him along, which is fine, as it’s not far but if he gets hurt doing so I couldn’t forgive myself

I would love updates on him though we’re here for another few weeks yet x

George does go over the road, I’ve seen him and nearly clipped him myself coming home, he had a very stern telling off that night, I’m not going to lie, it scared me silly.

He’s not the biggest fan of getting brushed, wormed or even flea treated, but he will tolerate it until he’s had enough. And his trousers do get very matted sometimes and it can take a few days to get the mats and knots out as he only tolerates so much. I’ve had to just cut a few out before.

He hasn’t been home for me to do his flea or worming stuff or I would of to be honest it’s hard here, the eggs seem be so much stronger with all the other wildlife there is too x

Thank you for adopting George, it is the right thing for him.

I guess that kinda finalises it then.

Seems the cat I do not have, now has me.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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